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Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Sample

By VCS Senior Ra’Lynn Carter

This week's Teacher Spotlight is Ms. Sample, High School World History and Government Teacher.

Q: How many years have you been teaching at VCS?

A:  Four years 

Q: If you weren't a teacher what other path would you have chosen? 

A: Sign language interpreter 

Q: What is one of your hidden talents?

A: Bird noises, eating pickle ketchup with Doritos, listing all of the English Monarchs in order, Rasputin dance 

Q: What is something most people don't know about you?

A: My best friend and I have matching birthmarks.

Q: Any advice for seniors on starting their future? 

A: It's okay if you're confused about your future now. Life is forever changing, but remember don’t go into debt.

Q: What college did you attend? 

A: Kent State then YSU

Q: What is your favorite song?

A: “Down Bad” by Taylor Swift 

Q: What is your favorite memory at VCS? 

A: Door-decorating contests, all the energy drinks, stealing  Mr. Agresta’s chair, and all the love and support from everyone at VCS (especially when my best friend died).

Q: Any other events you attend at VCS? 

A: Student Council

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