By High School Senior Germiah Flakes
This week’s Teacher Spotlight is Mrs. Pixley, High School English Teacher.
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Favorite snack: chips and salsa, favorite meal: linguini with clam sauce, favorite type of food: Lebanese Food
Q: How many years have you been teaching here?
A: 14 total, 9 years teaching juniors and seniors
Q: What subject was your favorite subject?
A: ENGLISH, obviously.
Q: What college did you go to?
A: University of Akron (GO ZIPS!)
Q: If you weren’t a teacher what path would you have chosen?
A: Probably Law.
Q: What is the biggest pet peeve of a student?
A: Trying to eat full meals in my room and blaming me for their grade
Q: What's your hidden talent?
A: I love writing poetry and song lyrics.
Q: What is something people don’t know about you?
A: I am a cancer survivor.
Q: What is your favorite VCS Memory?
A: My favorite memory happens every June when I get to see how happy my seniors are as they walk across the stage. Specifically, I am really proud of bringing in a Holocaust survivor to speak to the student body. It was an honor.
Q: Any advice for seniors starting our future?
A: Seek God’s will for your life. It is the happiest place to be.
Q: Your teaching style in 3 words
A: These answers came from my 6th period: Organized, Energetic, Stern
Q: What is the funniest thing a student said to you?
A: But Mrs. Pixley, how will I talk to my friends if I can’t have my phone?